S.W.I.M. S.A.F.E.
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Save your child’s life with Infant Swimming Resources Self-Rescue® skills.
Our Mission
Our Mission is to prevent further drowning accidents by advocating water safety with our S.W.I.M. S.A.F.E. program, and making self-rescue swim lessons available and affordable for all.
S.W.I.M. S.A.F.E.
S – Stay within arm’s reach of children at all times around water. If a child is ever missing always check the water first.
W – Watch the water. Drowning is silent, there’s no flailing or splashing. Always have a designated water watcher that knows what a water emergency looks like.
I – ISR (Infant Self Rescue) these survival techniques teach infants that are as young as 6 months old how to react in a water emergency.
M – Myth; flotation devices help your child learn to swim. They give a false sense of security. Instead of flotation devices, get in the pool and hold children who can’t swim (Coast Guard approved life jackets should always be used on boats and while swimming in lakes and oceans).
S – Swim with a friend! Even if you know how to swim you should never swim alone.
A – Always respect the water. No person at any age is “drown proof”.
F – Fences help save lives! All pools should have a fence at least 5ft tall, with a self-locking gate, that is not climbable.
E – Everyone should learn CPR and keep their skills up to date.